Novabeast - Face Tracking Addon [VRChat]
Enhance Your Novabeast with Face Tracking!
This addon is designed for the Novabeast avatar by Kittomatic, available on Gumroad. Please note that this addon does not include any original files; you must have purchased the original Novabeast avatar.
Import, patch and you are ready to go!
- Seamlessly adds all Unified Expressions blendshapes used by VRCFT v5 or newer to the original FBX.
- Comes with a custom scene, fully set up and ready for immediate use.
Try Before You Buy:
- Test the avatar and its face tracking features in our in-game demo world.
Face Tracking with VRCFaceTracking v5+ OSC Application
- Compatibility: Only supports VRCFaceTracking v5+ OSC application. Older versions are not supported.
Custom Animations: Unique animations for ears and tail.
- Ear Animations: Ears follow eye gaze and move according to happy/sad expressions.
- Tail Control: Tail movement is controlled by jaw actions.
Pupil Dilation:
- Works with Vive Pro Eye for pupil dilation.
- Custom animations available for other hardware.
- Broad Hardware Support: Compatible with all major hardware including Quest Pro, Pico 4 Pro, Vive Pro Eye, XR Elite and Vive Facial Tracker, thanks to VRCFT Unified Expressions.
- Easy Setup: Ready to upload with a pre-configured Unity scene. User-friendly and easy to use.
Original Package by Kittomatic (Available on Gumroad)
- Addon Support: Fully supports the latest version (Novabeast_V1_0).
Model Requirements:
- Requires an original, unmodified FBX model.
- The patcher will not work on Novabeast variations.
- VRCFury.
- Our Face Tracking Controller requires VRCFury Full Controller component.
- VRCFaceTracking - For the OSC application and face tracking modules.
- Hash - For their Patcher tool that allow us to create our own patcher as well.
Patch notes
- 2.1.1 - 7/15/2024
- Updated Package to latest version of our Face tracking template (
- Upgraded base FX layer to PxINKY optimized version.
- There's an alternative parameter file that reduces base avatar parameter usage from 89 to 41.
- 2.1.0 - 2/20/2024
- Fixed issue Neck deformation while using Chest Slider.
- 2.0.3 - 2/19/2024
- Improved Quest Pro Specific shapes.
- Reworked Patcher process.
- Reworked Face Tracking template completely using new OSCmooth.
- Add Tongue Phys Bone toggle for tongue wiggles.
- 1.4.1 - 01/08/2024
- Improved Mouth X blendshapes to add some more movement.
- Improved Eye bone rotation and smoothing.
- Minor animation changes.
- 1.3.1 - 01/05/2024
- Fixed some clippings with poggers face.
- Fixed some blendshapes affecting wrong meshes.
- Added some custom animation for ear and tail
- Tail moves with Jaw
- Ears point to with your eye gaze
- Happy and Sad ears
- Fake pupil dilation when Pupil Dilation is disabled.
- 1.2.0 - 01/03/2024
- Initial release.
- By purchasing this product, you agree to NOT distribute the files to individuals who haven't bought their own copy of this item.
- This asset is exclusive to PERSONAL USE ONLY. Do not resell this asset. Public Avatars do count as personal use.
- Do not claim ownership of this content.
796 sales
Novabeast Face Tracking Addon
Unified Expressions
Face Tracking Template
Ready to Upload Scenes
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